Lodge newcastle 24 installation – 2024

440 byker 24 2024

The 16th February saw the annual sojourn down to Byker Masonic Hall where our Brethren in Newcastle Upon-Tyne where we witnessed their installation.

Several Brethren visited, continuing the tradition of Lodge Robert Burns visiting the lodge and as always were made most welcome.

Posting on their Social Media, the Worshipful Master, Bro. Mark Cordell and his Brethren commented on the visit:

A huge thank you to everyone who attended Newcastle upon Tyne lodge No.24’s Installation last Friday night.

It was well attended and included a deputation from Lodge Robert Burns No.440 (SC) as well as several other Provinces in attendance. We were treated to an excellent ceremony with W.Bro.Chris Emmerson delivering a superb installation of W.Bro.Mark Cordell, followed by a fantastic festive board stewarded proficiently by the brethren of St.Raphael Lodge No.6261. A good night was had by all.

In the recently refurbished Lounge at the Hall, Clare Horner, Stewardess of the Hall, has created what we are calling “Scotch Corner” in this corner is a pictures of Robert Burns and the Grand Lodge of Scotland proudly hanging, so how fitting the below picture is showing brethren of Lodge Robert Burns along with WM, Mark Cordell, IM, W.Bro.Chris Emmerson and Lodge Secretary W.Bro. Bob Cutherbertson who were in attendance for this wonderful evening.

Our own RWM, John P. Nesbitt P.M. was accompanied by 10 brethren and enjoyed a wonderful ceremony and excellent Harmony.

440 byker 24 2024

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