Installation 2023

jpn install 2

Our RWM, Bro. John P. Nesbitt would like to thank all who took part in the installation and special thanks to installing masters Bro. Walter Houston P.M. & Bro. Douglas Welsh P.M. An excellent day throughout.

A note from our IPM, Bro. Iain Edgar, P.M.:

Brethren, as we welcome John P Nesbitt into the chair of the lodge for the ensuing 12 months, I would like to take the opportunity to thank you all for the support that I received for my second year in the chair.

I sincerely hope that you enjoyed my tenure as much as I did, and call upon you to provide the same support to Bro. Nesbitt.

I wish all of the office a very successful and enjoyable year, especially those who are taking up office for the first time and those who will hopefully be working towards taking the chair.

Before retirement, John worked faithfully in the POrtable TV Rental business and to mark this and our Bard we put together a verse that combines both Johns successful career and a nod to Bro. Robert Burns:

Fair fa’ your honest sonsi face; great chieftain of the portable race, abun them awe you tak your place in the mini colour market, with your black frame round a 16″ screen your grand silver body Ur just a dream. Noo we’re switched on we cry with glee– especially made for by ITT.

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