Burns Supper 2024

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On Friday the Lodge held our annual Burns Supper and those attending were treated to some marvellous speeches and a great performance from our musicians.

As usual the night started of with the skirl of the pipes by Bro Greg Stewart

We had a Lodge debut for our new secretary Bro Jim Hutton who addressed the Haggis in a word perfect performance.

The Immortal Memory was given by Bro Ted Edward Boult PM. If it was his swansong, he bows out at the absolute top of his game, with a spellbounding account of the Bards life and works.

The Lassies were well and truely toasted by the inimitable Bro George Randall PM whose speech went down a storm.

Bro Douglas Welsh PM once again gave us a great rendition of Tam O’Shanter.

Our musicians, Bro Brian Bennie Snr WSW and Bro Robbie Robertson were on top form and their contribution really made the night.

The evening was wrapped up by our IPM Bro Iain Edgar who thanked all the artist.

The grateful thanks of all goes to our manager, Sandra and her staff. This week we found ourselves without caterers but Sandra and her team came to our rescue and served up a great dinner.

The presentation of the Lodge was a credit to us all and again Sandra organised it all at short notice.

On the night the help of several Brethren ensured everything went smoothly and thanks go to Bro Ian Brown Bro Matthew Brown and Bro Ryan Brown.

Finally a big thank you to all the Brethren and guests who attended and gave the best of order all night.

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